Mimo lists $MATIC $DAI $USDT

Since its launch on July 2021, mimo V2 has more $600K liquidity and processed $20000 daily volume. Mimo provides users with fast finality and extremely low transaction fee, thanks to the IoTeX network. Mimo is building the foundation of DeFi on IoTeX network!
Mimo v2 is Web3-compatible and developer-friendly. New users can access mimo via MetaMask for seamless onboarding. Developers can easily build new DeFi tools/services on top of mimo V2. In order to facilitate the needs from users and developers, we are eager to bring more diversity of the assets on mimo.
Today, we are very excited to announce that mimo V2 officially supports Polygon assets via ioTube. The following assets are added to mimo's tokenlist and can be found in mimo's app:
- MATIC: The native tokens of Polygon network. MATIC is bridged from Polygon network.
- DAI-matic: DAI is an Ethereum-based stablecoin (stable-price cryptocurrency) whose issuance and development is managed by the Maker Protocol and the MakerDAO decentralized autonomous organization. DAI-matic is bridged from Polygon network.
- USDT-matic: USDT is a stablecoin (stable-value cryptocurrency) that mirrors the price of the U.S. dollar, issued by Tether. USDT-matic is bridged from Polygon network.
How to use mimo V2?
It is very simple to use mimo V2:
- Install MetaMask and connect IoTeX as a custom RPC/Network using these instructions.
Note: mimo v2 is only compatible with Web3 tools like MetaMask, ioPay mobile. (Note that ioPay desktop is not metamask compatible.)
- Visit the mimo.exchange -- if you are a first-time user, you will be prompted to add IoTeX network or switch to IoTeX network on metamask.
- You can swap between different XRC-20 tokens. Or you can add liquidity to any existing pool (or create your own pool) to earn trading fees.
About Mimo
Mimo, a brand new protocol that will fuel the next wave of decentralized finance (DeFi) on IoTeX. mimo’s vision is to empower next-gen DeFi products that utilize our state-of-the-art automated liquidity protocol and the IoTeX platform’s lightning-fast speed, low gas fees, and cross-chain.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mimoprotocol
Telegram: https://t.me/mimogroup
Blog: https://mimo.exchange/blog/author/mimo-2/
Email: [email protected]