Join the Mimo Airdrop Frenzy and Win Big! 🌟 💸

Attention all crypto enthusiasts! Mimo, the top decentralized exchange on IoTeX, is excited to announce the launch of our Mimo Airdrop Frenzy! Over the course of the next 30 days, we will be giving away 😍 $1,000 (approx. 40,000 $IOTX) worth of prizes and the opportunity to win our exclusive Mimo Frenzy NFT (YES, Mimo will soon launch an official NFT for Mimo Airdrop Frenzy. Details to be announced!) 🎉

We understand the importance of community support in the crypto space, and we want to give back to our users who have helped us grow to where we are today. This airdrop frenzy is our way of thanking our loyal users and welcoming new members to our community. 🎊

To participate, simply complete a series of weekly activities that will be announced on our social media channels. These activities will be fun and easy, and will involve tasks such as following our social media accounts, retweeting our posts, and answering simple quizzes. 🤑

Completed weekly activities will earn you a chance to win the many prizes we have on offer. 👉 Prizes will be awarded on a weekly basis and include $200~300 (total prize pool $1,000) worth of IOTX and the grand prize of our exclusive Mimo Frenzy NFT. 🍬

The Mimo Frenzy NFT is a limited edition collectible that will be awarded to all participants (up to 1,000 items for each campaign).

To ensure the fairness of Mimo Airdrop Frenzy, Mimo has partnered with TaskOn 🤝(a platform that boosts the completion of various Web3 tasks in a decentralized way), and all tasks of Mimo Airdrop Frenzy will be posted on Task On.

📢 So, what are you waiting for? Join us for the Mimo Airdrop Frenzy and stand a chance to win some amazing prizes. Follow us on Twitter and Telegram to stay up to date on the latest activities and announcements.

Thank you for your support and we can't wait to see you in the Mimo Airdrop Frenzy! 💰

About mimo

mimo is a decentralized exchange (DEX) with automated liquidity on IoTeX. Instead of a centralized order book, mimo utilizes liquidity pools and automated market making (AMM) algorithms to connect buyers and sellers of crypto-assets in a decentralized fashion. Mimo allows anyone to trade or provide liquidity for various pairs of assets, where those that provide liquidity for a specific pool will share the transaction fees for trading.
