Join the Green Badge NFT Carnival and Win Big!

We are thrilled to announce an exciting carnival for mimo NFT holders who own "Green Badge" NFTs, in celebration of the launch of our brand-new mimo NFT marketplace. With immense gratitude, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to the multitude of projects and users who have supported and actively participated in our journey.

"Green Badge" NFTs are official verified assets on the mimo NFT marketplace, with their smart contracts added to the allowlist. To make this carnival an engaging experience, we have prepared a generous prize pool for our users. Today, we are delighted to reveal the details. 🤩

We encourage users of the mimo NFT marketplace to actively participate in trading and hold NFTs that have been officially verified by us (displaying a "Green Badge"). To incentivize participation, we have prepared a prize pool of 100K $IOTX. Here are the carnival details:

  • Duration: July 13th, 4 am UTC to August 12th, 4 am UTC, for a total of 30 days.
  • Snapshot Time: The snapshot will be taken at block height #25222029
  • Prize Pool: 100,000 $IOTX
  • Complete these two tasks to participate:
    1. Hold at least one "Green Badge" NFT at the time of snapshot
    2. Make at least one "Green Badge" NFT transaction on the marketplace during the event period.
  • Reward Distribution: All eligible participants will evenly share the prize pool.

Here is the verified NFTs list:

  • MachineFi NFT
    Enable millions of users to capture the value of the future machine economy and expand the possibilities of the Metaverse, Web3 world, and beyond.
  • Mimo Frenzy Tribe (Pippi,  Bimby, Albie, Gizzy)
    To celebrate the mimo Airdrop Frenzy, we present the mimo Frenzy Tribe, consisting of four adorable little creatures named Pippi, Bimby, Albie, and Gizzy. Come and own them to discover more about mimo NFT's story.
    IoTeXShiba is a community driven and owned meme project launched on the IoTeX blockchain.
  • W3bstream Devnet NFT
    Introducing W3bstream Devnet, the open, decentralized infrastructure for computing and streaming of device data to power verifiable, dApp-ready cryptographic proofs to tokenize the real-world.
  • Game Fantasy Alianas
    These are your must-have Starz NFTs to enter the StarCrazy universe.

...For more details about NFT, please check here>>>

If you wish to get your collection verified, kindly submit an application through the following link:

We extend a warm invitation to all "Green Badge" NFT holders to join this carnival, as we collectively embrace the world of NFTs and celebrate the launch of our mimo NFT marketplace. Your participation will not only be an opportunity to win exciting rewards but also a chance to experience the potential of NFTs.

If you have any questions or need assistance at any stage of the competition, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team. We are here to provide you with the guidance and support you need to make the most of this incredible opportunity.

Once again, we express our heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering support. Together, let us embark on this extraordinary journey and make history in the realm of NFT trading!

⚠️: To ensure fairness, thorough checks will be conducted to ensure your account is not associated with Sybil addresses before allocating rewards. After conclusion of the carnival, we will publicly announce all winners' names and distribute rewards through our platform.

About mimo

mimo is a decentralized exchange (DEX) with automated liquidity on IoTeX. Instead of a centralized order book, mimo utilizes liquidity pools and automated market making (AMM) algorithms to connect buyers and sellers of crypto-assets in a decentralized fashion. Mimo allows anyone to trade or provide liquidity for various pairs of assets, where those that provide liquidity for a specific pool will share the transaction fees for trading.
